Thursday, January 3, 2013

March 2013 Banlist predictions

Here is my guess on a few of the cards that will change on the Banlist come this March. Feel free to comment with your thoughts!


Monster Reborn - This card is very over powered and is a staple in pretty much everything so I'm guessing Konami will do away with it in order to make some cards that require costs more common.

Card Destruction - Since Dark World's are so high in the OCG right now this card will more than likely be one of the cards hit since it can basically win the game for the deck.


Wind-Up Shark - This card is a XYZ beast, the deck can still be playable with only 1 and will more than likely still be a top tier so taking down to 1 is more than likely.

Dragged Down into the Grave - Again with the Dark Worlds here, this card is just too plain good to have at 3, it's also annoying as all hell to play against.

Card Trooper - This card can be used in so many decks and is a great way to get cards in the graveyard but the extra draw effect at the end makes it a little OP, it wouldn't surprise me at all to see this.

Update: Rescue Rabbit - I initially kept this off of my list because I hope it does not get hit. This deck is not that incredibly powerful and is a great deck for a budget player. However, a lot of people dislike this deck and feel that it is to powerful so I would not be surprised if this card was hit.


Blackwing - Gale the Whirlwind - I say this only because when Blackwings were hit by the ban list, it was one of the only decks that could swarm the field easily and make OTK's possible. Looking at what we have in the meta right now bringing back Gale to semi-limited wouldn't make this deck over-powered and it was a very popular deck so I'm sure Konami wouldn't mind bringing it back. Another reason I say this is because there is some speculation that a Blackwing or two will be coming out with the new Cosmo Blazer packs and this could mean a return of Blackwings! (Fingers crossed it's true)

Heavy Storm - Call me crazy, but I think this is a very plausible idea. With all the back-row cards being played right now (Solemn Warning, Bottomless Trap Hole, Torrential Tribute and a few others) I could see this card being brought to two in order to speed up the game. All these trap cards are simply getting annoying and are slowing down the game and in my opinion ruining it. But rather than limiting or banning some of these cards, why not just bring in another heavy storm to try to speed things back up.



  1. i think your heavy storm idea is a great thought and could be very plausible

  2. why u want to hit dark world i heard the same thing always grapha snoww but u have side deck and always u play dimensional fissure and maco cosmos or am i wrong?

  3. Dark worlds will most likely be getting hit because of their showing in the OCG. The cards I picked are the ones that can pretty much win the game for Dark Worlds in 1 turn. Konami has stated that they don't want to kill any decks this year only slow them down, taking out Grapha or Snoww could prety much ruin the deck, so that is why I believe in the spells being hit rather than the monsters.

  4. let see what happen i have 2 months left to continue playing dark world and im waiting the banlist to make another one. this is for sure bye bye to wind up and dino rabbit....

  5. Heavy storm to 2 wont happen. The format is already too fast and I doubt konami wants to make it faster I think dark hole to 2 would be more likely

  6. Dark hole at two will only hasten chaos dragons with the fact that they have a shit ton of back row hate already. Chaos dragons don't need more front row hate or they'll be killed like Blackwings.
