Sunday, January 27, 2013

Decks we could do without

   Today I would like to talk about the decks that Yu-Gi-Oh could do without. The decks that if all of the cards in the world that belong to these decks burned, we could celebrate. In my mind there are 3 of these decks that truly ruin the game. They are annoying, no fun to battle, and are simple enough that any unskilled player can manage to win over a skilled player with using. So here I am begging Konami, please please please hit these decks on this next banlist.

1. Dark Worlds - The single most annoying deck to ever exist. This deck can win a game in 1 turn just by using Card Destruction. I sometimes have to sit and wait 5 minutes for a dark world deck to pull out all of it's cards because there turns last forever. I want to flip the table every time someone plays Dragged Down. If Konami was only going to hit 1 deck this format, I would hope it would be Dark Worlds.

2. Exodia -  I know this deck isn't that overpowered, but it is still very annoying. Usually you only get a couple of turns to kill the person before they have all of the pieces, and most of those turns you can't do any damage anyways because the opponent used One Day of Peace or have a Waboku. I am not saying this deck should be banned, but some of the cards that prevent the other player from attacking should be hit. One Day of Peace is probably the one that should be hit the hardest.

3. Any deck that uses a ton of back-row cards that prevent the opponent from doing anything - I can not tell you how annoying it is when an opponent just continuously spams you with anti-summoning or anti-effect traps. These cards ruin the game. How am I supposed to do anything when I am not allowed to get any monsters on the field because the opponent has a bunch of trap cards that prevent me from doing any summoning. Konami should either hit a shit ton of trap cards or give me another heavy storm so I can do it myself.

1 comment:

  1. Looking through many of your posts its clear you play a number of decks with little to no backrow, causing u to hate traps in general which is foolish. The fact you want two heavy storms is insane and terrible for the game as it would become entirely monster oriented and make it an all agents, chaos dragons, and mermalantean format. You wrote that you wanted to spred the format up? That seems foolish as there are enough otk's and near otks already. A skilled format is one in which decks have both control and explosive elements and not just tons pf power cards, and two heavy storms would lead to a format entirely about explosive otk. If u want more removal run malelovent catastrophy, but as your decks run no mst targets that would meab u had to run a card more balanced than heavy but you dont
