Saturday, February 16, 2013

Official March 2013 Banlist and thoughts

Here is the link to the banlist source.

For those of you who are too lazy to click on the link here is what it tells us.


Wind-up Carrier Zenmaity


Wind-up Magician
One Day of Peace
Solemn Warning


Thunder King Rai-oh
Advanced Ritual Art


Blackwing - Kalut the Moonshadow
Lumina, Lightsworn Summoner
Shien's Smoke Signal
Mind Crush

This banlist didn't hit a lot of the things I expected and is also pretty different than what a lot of people predicted. The only deck really hit by this is wind-ups, which most people did predict. Sangan was hit in my mind because tour guide was too powerful and sangan itself was too powerful so Konami was able to hit 2 birds with 1 stone in this case. Solemn warning is a good card to limit in my mind because it was able to shut down way to many decks. I like seeing Lumina and Kalut unlimited. Blackwings and Lightsworn are 2 super fun decks and I would love to see them back in the meta but we probably won't see that unless a couple more of their cards come back. The last card I want to talk about it One Day of Peace, I am so happy this card is limited, it was just way too annoying to play against in exodia decks. Overall I am happy with this banlist.

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