Here is the link to the banlist source.
For those of you who are too lazy to click on the link here is what it tells us.
Wind-up Carrier Zenmaity
Wind-up Magician
One Day of Peace
Solemn Warning
Thunder King Rai-oh
Advanced Ritual Art
Blackwing - Kalut the Moonshadow
Lumina, Lightsworn Summoner
Shien's Smoke Signal
Mind Crush
This banlist didn't hit a lot of the things I expected and is also pretty different than what a lot of people predicted. The only deck really hit by this is wind-ups, which most people did predict. Sangan was hit in my mind because tour guide was too powerful and sangan itself was too powerful so Konami was able to hit 2 birds with 1 stone in this case. Solemn warning is a good card to limit in my mind because it was able to shut down way to many decks. I like seeing Lumina and Kalut unlimited. Blackwings and Lightsworn are 2 super fun decks and I would love to see them back in the meta but we probably won't see that unless a couple more of their cards come back. The last card I want to talk about it One Day of Peace, I am so happy this card is limited, it was just way too annoying to play against in exodia decks. Overall I am happy with this banlist.
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