Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Agents Deck Build 1.0 July 2015 Banlist

This is my first attempt at an Agent deck after the July 16, 2015 ban list.  They've been one of my favorites ever since they came out in the Lost Sanctuary starter decks years ago. Even though I've read that Agents are at the bottom of tier 3 I still feel like they have some pretty great combos with the correct build.

Main deck 

Monsters: 23

3x Master Hyperion
3x Agent of mysteries - Earth
3x Mystic shine ball
2x Agent of creation - Venus
2x Agent of entropy - Uranus
2x Archlord Kristya
2x Honest
2x Herald of orange light
1x Agent of miracles - Jupiter
1x Zeradias, herald of heavens
1x Hecatrice
1x Maxx "c"

Spells: 11

3x The sanctuary in the sky
2x Valhalla, hall of the fallen
2x Mystical space typhoon
1x Creature swap
1x Mind control
1x Raigeki
1x Forbidden lance

Traps: 6

2x Breakthrough skill
1x Compulsory evacuation device
1x Fiendish chain
1x Solemn warning
1x Bottomless trap hole

Extra deck


1x Gachi gachi gantetsu
1x Number 96: Dark mist
1x Leviair the sea dragon
1x Number 30: Acid golem
1x Number 17: Leviathan dragon
1x Wind-up Zenmaines


1x Black rose dragon
1x Stardust dragon
1x Ally of justice Catastor
1x Ancient sacred wyvern
1x Armory Arm
1x Clear Wing Synchro Dragon
1x Goyo Guardian
1x Old Entity Hastorr
1x T.G Hyper librarian