Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Agents Deck Build 1.0 July 2015 Banlist

This is my first attempt at an Agent deck after the July 16, 2015 ban list.  They've been one of my favorites ever since they came out in the Lost Sanctuary starter decks years ago. Even though I've read that Agents are at the bottom of tier 3 I still feel like they have some pretty great combos with the correct build.

Main deck 

Monsters: 23

3x Master Hyperion
3x Agent of mysteries - Earth
3x Mystic shine ball
2x Agent of creation - Venus
2x Agent of entropy - Uranus
2x Archlord Kristya
2x Honest
2x Herald of orange light
1x Agent of miracles - Jupiter
1x Zeradias, herald of heavens
1x Hecatrice
1x Maxx "c"

Spells: 11

3x The sanctuary in the sky
2x Valhalla, hall of the fallen
2x Mystical space typhoon
1x Creature swap
1x Mind control
1x Raigeki
1x Forbidden lance

Traps: 6

2x Breakthrough skill
1x Compulsory evacuation device
1x Fiendish chain
1x Solemn warning
1x Bottomless trap hole

Extra deck


1x Gachi gachi gantetsu
1x Number 96: Dark mist
1x Leviair the sea dragon
1x Number 30: Acid golem
1x Number 17: Leviathan dragon
1x Wind-up Zenmaines


1x Black rose dragon
1x Stardust dragon
1x Ally of justice Catastor
1x Ancient sacred wyvern
1x Armory Arm
1x Clear Wing Synchro Dragon
1x Goyo Guardian
1x Old Entity Hastorr
1x T.G Hyper librarian

Monday, August 26, 2013

Top decks of the format

So we were just hit with a huge shocker of a ban list that took out pretty much all of the top meta decks. This ban list also is different because it only lasts 4 months meaning that the game will be more up to date and broken cards will likely not last as long. So now that dragon rulers and spellbooks are dead, what will be in the meta? Here are our predictions. (These are not in any particular order, we will also add as we see fit.)

1. Mermails are still present - although they are weakened, they are still a serious deck. Expect to see this deck a lot in tournaments because no one wants to ever just give up on a deck and with a lot of backrow gone they may be just as good as ever even after being hit.

2. Fire Fist are on the same boat as mermails - although they were hit a little harder they will still be fairly consistent and with bear being released in the upcoming tins fire fists will be more available than ever before meaning there will be more of them!

3. Evilswarm are hit or miss - With rabbit to 1 there consistency is a little lower but they were a strong deck before and expect that to continue because they were hit the least out of the previous tier 1 decks.

4. Blackwings are back! - bringing black whirlwind to 3 may not seem like a big deal to those of you that never played blackwings but trust me, it is very big. This gives the deck back the consistency it craves! The player favorite of the synchro-era is also being revived with new synchros that can run seamlessly with this deck and plenty of XYZ are also usuable in it.

5. Lightsworn is still amazing and it may get even more support! - Lightsworn have stayed rather average for the past couple formats but with the top decks taking huge hits lightswornt can be brought back into the spotlight. There are also reports that 3 new lightsworn cards are going to be released which would most likely make them the top deck of the format and possibly the next.

These are the first 5 decks that I wanted to talk about for the format and there are definitely more to come so be sure to check back later!

JotL opening

Later this week or early next we will be doing a JotL box opening so be sure to check back!

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Sorry for the break!

I know we haven't updated much recently but we are back now and within the next couple weeks should be updating more

Monday, May 13, 2013

Dragon Ruler Deck Build 1.0 - March 2013 Banlist

This is my first build for the upcoming Dragon Ruler Deck. Please note that this deck will probably change a lot in the upcoming months due to the fact that I will want to remove some cards and add others in the main deck and also I may change the extra deck based on the cards released in Number Hunters.

Main Deck

Monsters: 30

3x Blaster, Dragon Ruler of Infernos
3x Burner, Dragon Ruler of Sparks
3x Tempest, Dragon Ruler of Storms
3x Lightning, Dragon Ruler of Drafts
3x Tidal, Dragon Ruler of Waterfalls
3x Stream, Dragon Ruler of Droplets
3x Redox, Dragon Ruler of Boulders
3x Reactan, Dragon Ruler of Pebbles
1x Red-Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon
2x Divine Dragon Apocralyph
1x Eclipse Wyvern
1x Montage Dragon
1x Gorz, The Emissary of Darkness 

Spells: 7

2x Secret Sword of Seven Stars
2x Super Rejuvenation
2x Burial from a Different Dimension
1x Gold Sarcophagus 

Traps: 3

1x Breakthrough Skill
1x Starlight Road
1x Return from the Different Dimension

Extra Deck

2x Stardust Dragon
3x Number 11: Big Eye
3x Gaia Dragon, the Thunder Charger
3x Mecha Phantom Beast Dracossack
2x Number 7: Lucky Straight
1x Queen Dragun Djinn
1x Mermail Abyssgaios

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Vylon Deck Build 1.2 - March 2013 Banlist

Here is my new Vylon deck build I promised. I still really like Vylons and would love to see more support for them but I highly doubt that will happen so this build may not change very much in the future. So here is my Vylon deck.

Main Deck

Monsters: 20

3x Vylon Cube
3x Vylon Prism
2x Vylon Stella
1x Vylon Tetra
1x Vylon Hept
3x Shining Angel
2x Trident Warrior
2x Photon Thrasher
1x Summoner Monk
1x Genex Neutron
1x Cyber Dragon

Spells 20

3x Vylon Matter
3x Vylon Material
3x Vylon Filament
3x Vylon Segment
1x Vylon Component
2x Mage Power
1x Photon Lead
1x Mystical Space Typhoon
1x Dark Hole
1x Heavy Storm
1x Monster Reborn

Extra Deck

2x Number 39: Utopia
3x Vylon Epsilon
2x Vylon Sigma
1x Vylon Alpha
1x Vylon Omega
1x Vylon Delta
2x Vylon Disigma
1x Starleige Paladynamo
1x Wind-Up Zenmaines
1x Stardust Dragon